BE an Agent

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Exciting news! Joining BABU88 as an agent is now more rewarding than ever! 3 easy steps to earn INR. 500.

Sign up as BABU88 agent

Easy quick sign up to become BABU88 agent. All you have to do is click the link below and fill up your information.

Invite Players

Bring in 3 new players with First Time deposit (FTD) of INR. 500 each


Payout will be made to your Agent Gaming ID.

About BABU88

Babu88 is an online gambling company, offering a wide range of betting and casino options. Founded in 2021, Babu88 began as a cricket exchange platform serving the South Asian market.

The Babu88 Agent Affiliate program lets you earn money by introducing people to the top cricket betting platform in Bangladesh, India and  Nepal. You can earn up to 40% lifetime commission just by referring new members.

Babu88 is committed to fair and safe gaming, offering over 100 games and a premium cricket exchange for your entertainment.

Join now and start making more money!

About BABU88

Babu88 is an online gambling company, offering a wide range of betting and casino options. Founded in 2021, Babu88 began as a cricket exchange platform serving the South Asian market.

The Babu88 Agent Affiliate program lets you earn money by introducing people to the top cricket betting platform in Bangladesh, India and  Nepal. You can earn up to 40% lifetime commission just by referring new members.

Babu88 is committed to fair and safe gaming, offering over 100 games and a premium cricket exchange for your entertainment.

Join now and start making more money!